How You Can (Do) Mango Pudding Almost Instantly...

How You Can (Do) Mango Pudding Almost Instantly...
Say hi to Mangoooo
Do you know? Mango is the king of all fruits in the world. Mango has been familiar in India for more than 5000 years. An average mango tree can takes nearly 4 to 6 years to bear a fruit. India’s favourite fruit is always Mango, and it is the largest producer in the world followed by China and Thailand. Indian mangoes are very popular and best seller in UAE and many other nations. There are more than 500 varieties of mangoes in the market.
There are many ancient love stories, myths and folklore that evolve around mango. Even Lord Buddha familiarized to rest in the lavish mango groves. From “Alexander the great to Alexa home delivery”, generations have changed but the love for this fruit have out grown crossing all borders and differences.


Pudding is a wonderfully rich with a glob of softly whipped cream that blends perfectly in mouth. When you swallow pudding it melts your heart and mends your mind in very first bite. It is sweet and creamy giving no less than 3 seconds to enter the throat. Many people make from China grass / agar agar and there are few other methods as well. Generally china grass is most used in pudding recipes, as it is plant derived gelatine.

On an average, pudding is considered to be the easiest and must have dessert in all buffets. Especially, mango pudding is considered as famous and most desired. Silky pudding with a deep mango flavour that looks like a shining mirror on a smooth texture is tender and soft among all.

Time for Mango Pudding

It all starts with selecting ripe mangoes, make sure your mangoes are fully sweeter. Wash and peel the skin of 4 mangoes, cut, in a blender add ¼ cup of sugar to make a mango pulp and get the lump less mango pulp.  Take a Maxima’s Tri ply Fry pan and keep it in low flame next add mango pulp to it. Then in a separate Maxima’s Tri ply Sauce pan boil ½ cup of water, add 5 grams of agar agar, wait till it dissolves completely and filter it to remove the dust particles (if found any).

Do not increase the flame

Now pour the dissolved agar agar to the mango pulp and mix it well. Now add ½ cup of fresh cream, ¼ cup of full cream of milk and stir it well for few seconds and remove from the stove.
After few minutes, transfer the mango pudding to the serving transparent glass (In which you would like to serve).
Now refrigerate it for atleast 5 – 6 hours. Now soak 2 spoons of Chia seeds in water (Before 30 mins of serving).
After 5 or 6 hours, serve the Cool Cool Cool Mango Pudding with Chia seeds on top or can add sliced mango pieces and pudina leaf on top.
Even roughly chopped cashew nuts or roughly chopped coconut can be used as topping.

Health benefits

Mango is rich in anti-oxidants, boosts Immunity, good for eye health, heart health, improve hair & skin health, digestion health. rich in vitamin C, healing blood vessels and healthy collagen. Besides agar agar stimulates the intestines, acts as a laxative, creates a bowel movement and moisture-retention that reduce skin dryness.
Along came chia seeds benefits, which deliver massive nutrients in fewer calories, rich in anti-oxidant, fibre rich carbohydrate, high quality protein and omega-3 fatty acid. Thus reduces chronic inflammation, reduces blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease and good for losing weight.

Mango pudding and me

Mango pudding is ideal recipe to try during every summer; the reason is you can store it in refrigerator for up to maximum 2 days.
My personal favourite is full coconut milk instead of full cream milk. That can give a mild flavour of mango with the goodness of mango and coconut in a combination.
It is my secret ice cream substitute, preferred to relish during shinny summers. Try this, even pre or post summer cannot stop us from savouring this unique pudding.
There can be many additions or substitutions available in the internet, which are also quite interesting.    Try different varieties, coz only Home cooked food is something which makes us try as many as possible with the same goodness of health and love.